Tuesday, September 8, 2009

WVWS Attended 5th East Asia U.S. Puerto Rico Women's Network Against Militarism Meeting, in the Philippines

I. The 5th East Asia U.S. Puerto Rico Women's Network Against Militarism (EAUSPRWNAM) Meeting conference (previous name of the IWNAM) provided a great opportunity for women groups from Okinawa, South Korea, Puerto Rico, Japan, the United States, Hawai’i and the Philippines to discuss the impacts of militarism in their respective countries.   There was so much networking and information covered at the conference, issues ranging from toxic contamination to indigenous struggles in Mindanao, that we felt the best way to share what we learned was to create this website. Click the links below to learn more about our experiences at the East Asia-US-Puerto Rico WNAM 2004 Manila conference.

The Uniting Principles of this Network are:


The East Asia-US-Puerto Rico Women's Network Against Militarism was formed in 1997 when 40 women activists, policy-makers, teachers, and students from South Korea, Okinawa, mainland Japan, the Philippines and the United States gathered in Okinawa to strategize together about the negative effects of the U.S. Military in each of our countries. In 2000, Puerto Rican women who opposed the U.S. Navy bombing training on the island of Vieques also joined. The Network is not a membership organization, but collaboration among women active in our own communities. Our 5th international meeting will be in the Philippines, November 2004.


We envision a world of genuine security based on justice, respect for others across national boundaries and economic planning based on local people's needs, especially the needs of women and children. Genuine security arises from the following principles:
1. The environment in which we live is able to sustain human and natural life;
2. People's basic needs for food, clothing, shelter, health care, and education are met;
3. People's fundamental human dignity and respect for cultural identities are honored;
4. People and the natural environment are protected from avoidable harm.


Our mission is to promote, model, and protect genuine security by creating an international women's network of solidarity against militarism. To strengthen our common consciousness and voice by sharing our experiences and making critical connections among militarism, imperialism, and systems of oppression and exploitation based on gender, class, and nation.


To contribute to the creation of a society free of militarism, violence, and all forms of sexual exploitation, in order to guarantee the rights of marginalized people, particularly women and children, and to ensure the safety, well-being, and long term sustainability of our communities.


Activities of participating organizations include the provision of services and support, public education and protest, research and lobbying, litigation, promoting alternative economic development, and networking.

Through our actions we seek to:

1. promote solidarity and a healing process among the diversity of women who are impacted by militarism and violence;

2. integrate our common understandings into relationships in the Network and in our daily lives;

3. promote leadership development and self-determination among all the sisters of the Network;

4. initiate and support local and international efforts against militarism;

5. strengthen our work by exploring our diverse historical, social, political, and economic experiences in the context of each country.

The Photos on the right are pictures taken during this meeting.


From this conference, Hawaii activists learned about the effects of militarization in the Philippines.  Read statements and more educational material that talk about how Lumad, Moro peoples, women and children are affected. 
Since the network is made up of partnership of women from across the Asia-Pacific, U.S. and Caribbean, Hawaii activists gained information on how militarism affects multiple countries and also connects them.  

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